As a primary level of democracy in the UK, Town Councils have many duties. Add to this the need for transparency and we are reminded that the often-overlooked website is a key part of a Town Council’s ability to carry out these duties in a compliant manner. Website templates also offer best value.
Town Council
  • WCAG Compliant Template

    This is a fully WCAG 2.1 compliant Template

    The deadline for all website to comply was 22nd September 2020

    We can help the vast majority that still need to upgrade

  • General Data Protection Regulation What Is It
  • Carousel introduction 3rd slide

    The template provides a carousel

    It's normally used to present a visual of the parish

    plus events, news and other items you need

  • laws

    The template also includes all the features

    You need to carry out your duties

    Whilst remaining compliant with current laws

  • Secure hosting

    As a complete solution we can provide UK based secure hosting

    to make sure your content is fully protected

    and to ensure your users data is safe whilst meeting all UK regulations

Town Council Websites Challenge


(The many tasks of a Town Council)

As a primary level of democracy in the UK, Town Councils have many duties. Add to this the need for transparency and we are reminded that the often-overlooked website is a key part of a Town Council’s ability to carry out these duties in a compliant manner. Now with GDPR in place, securing and ensuring the privacy of that communication has become a potentially high risk for a Council’s budget. The packages offered here by TEEC take all this into account and provide the best value solution.

Challenging times, during the Covid-19 pandemic, has meant lots of additional information and support being needed and provided through things like the Parish Website. One advantage of using the template is the ability of clerks, councillors, and volunteers to all add content as almost no programming skill is needed to make 95% of all changes.

The Town Council Websites Template was suggested by TEEC’s MD (Cllr Adrian Abbs B.Sc.) as a direct result of becoming a Councillor in 2018. Having seen the challenges that Town Councils face, he commissioned the template, and to ensure a high-quality solution is available, he has setup within TEEC the hosting of this template, complete with a package of services available to anyone that needs it. The template is free to use for any Town & Parish Councils or Community Project Teams, even if the hosting is with another company.

Emergency notice
Auto Emergency Notice
Click here for full details

Testimony From Hungerford Town Council -

Hungerford Town Council recently chose to appoint MyParishCouncil to provide us with a new website. We are really pleased with the result! The site was implemented in just a few weeks, they transferred all the information across and we are now fully compliant with the new accessibility regulations that came into force in Sept.

We found Mark and his team very helpful with adjusting the design to suit us and we are enjoying all the new features the site provides.

Claire Barnes

Town Clerk

Testimony From Broseley Town Council - have been very responsive and understand who we are and what we wanted to achieve. We are very happy with the new compliant website and would highly recommend

The site is very easy to use and looks great.

We have also received lots of positive feedback from users.

Thank you for all of your help..

Broseley Town Council.

Town Council Website Template

Help for Town Staff, Clerks and Councillors

As Council Staff, Councillor, Volunteer or Clerk your time is important but often limited. By using this Town Council template you can be sure that it provides a compliant solution, with a team of people working full time to support it. This ensures it is:

  • Always there (monitored and fixed if an outage occurs) 24x7x365
  • Up to date with the latest standards for usability (working across Desktops, Tablets, Mobiles and TVs)
  • Compliant with UK security and data protection legislation (GDPR etc.)
  • Tested regularly to ensure it works on new releases of web browsers (software like Google, FireFox, Safari and Microsoft Edge)
  • Has new features available as the needs of the Parish Council evolve

Contact us on 01635282361 for more details.

We won't just try and sell you something, we will help you through the correct approval process so you can start saving time and money as soon as possible. This includes:

  • Details on what will be needed for the various meetings to get approval to change
  • Presentations and notes to share with Councillors proving the costs saved and the improved ease of use for Councillors, Clerks and Parishioners
  • A specification so you can run a thorough tender process
  • Contracts etc to appoint your new supplier

Latest Town News

Template confirmed as fully AA WCAG 2.1 compliant

United Kingdom


August 2020
Template confirmed as fully AA WCAG 2.1 compliant

Having received various guidance from NALC and other bodies as well as the 22nd September deadline now looming we wanted to triple check that the template available for councils was fully compliant. We are very pleased to confirm this is the case and we stand ready to help as many councils as needed to get compliant before the deadline. Just call Mark on 01635 282361

New Support / Ticket System Launched

World Wide


July 2020
New Support / Ticket System Launched

New Ticket Desk Open

We are pleased to announce the release of our new ticket desk designed to support up to 1000's of Parish Councils.

This should provide users of MyParishCouncil with fast responses to any issues found.

You can get to the new system using this link.

You can view a brief training document using this link

My Town Council
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